Prenatal Yoga

Why pregnancy yoga at all?

We usually hold our breath at a time of panic, fear, or fear. Things a pregnant woman may experience during pregnancy or labor. As a yoga teacher, my goal is to facilitate the connection with your breath so that you can use it at any time. Yoga teaches us that even when we are in poses or situations that we are not necessarily comfortable in, we can always return to the breath. When a pregnant woman fully understands this, it will help tremendously in childbirth. Women can learn to let go of fear and pain by connecting to their breath.

How does prenatal yoga help during childbirth and delivery?

1. The focus on, and the connection with, the breath make it possible to work with the rhythm of your body instead of fighting against it.

2. Women who practice pregnancy yoga usually have more stamina or develop it for childbirth. In particular during your second trimester the focus is on building strength and endurance to prepare for the intensity of the contractions. Women who have confronted their limits usually have a higher pain tolerance and know how to work with their bodies.

3. Pregnancy yoga releases endorphins

4. "Pratyahara" - one of the eight limbs of yoga, and includes how to discipline your senses. Impressions can be controlled. If you've been exposed to yoga and mediation, you can apply these "tools" to the birthing process and relieve your pain.


Personally, I truly believe that yoga and meditation is the best way to prepare for birth! You have the opportunity to escape from your stressful everyday life and time to concentrate only on yourself and thus get to know yourself better!

Studies have also shown that yoga and meditation allow more comfort during childbirth, shorter and easier births, fewer medical interventions, and faster recovery after childbirth.



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