Babymassage according to Leboyer

Loving touch from the parents is essential for the child's development. The stroking and hugging that they experience in early childhood help build a healthy sense of self-worth. Gentle touches welcome them into this world and make the child feel that they are accepted and loved. Touch is a language that we can use to heal, comfort, relieve pain or relieve tension. Baby massage is a special kind of intense and loving touch.

Baby massage is suitable for all babies, but also especially for:

  • Gas and digestive problems
  • Sleep disorders and restlessness
  • After a long separation from parents (due to hospitalization)
  • Premature baby
  • after or in case of illness

Step by step you will learn the traditional art of Indian baby massage according to Leboyer. In addition, I offer you assistance on the subject of handling and carrying your baby. First songs and game suggestions as well as playful baby yoga promote the motorical and mental development of your child.



Duration: 5x 60 minutes

Fee: 60 €, private service



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